Personal Health Coaching

It is evident that you are taking your health and lifestyle seriously by reviewing our team and offers. We are thrilled to have the opportunity to support you in your journey towards a better version of yourself. Our team is committed to providing you with the best possible guidance and assistance to help you achieve your health goals.
Meet our Health Coaching Team
Unsere Health Coaching Angebote ...
3 coaching sessions (each 1 hour) + Access to all HbyN Online Courses
Weekly coaching sessions (each 1 hour) + Access to all HbyN Online Courses
Q&A with one of our coaches about our offered health coaching services (15 min)
699 €
499 €
one time payment
monthly payment
Free of Charge

HbN-1: Health Coaching BASIC PACKAGE
Our health coaching is divided into three consecutive sessions, each conducted via a video Zoom call.
Each session lasts approximately one hour.
Before the first session, you will receive a form with questions related to your person. Your data lets us get an initial picture of you and better prepare for the sessions. Don't worry, we treat your person-related data with absolute confidentiality!
In Session 1 we will analyze your current lifestyle, including your diet, your physical activity level, and your general health status. Here we also define your health goals together, which should serve as a guiding star for your transformation.
In Session 2 we will introduce you to the secrets of sustainable body fat loss and natural health. You will receive valuable tips about natural nutrition and doing fitness exercises correctly. You'll also get tips on monitoring your nutrition and training progress.
In Session 3 we will present to you the nutrition and training plan tailored to your needs. We also lay out rules you should follow to master your health transformation.
Note: When you book our health coaching offer, one of the above presented health coaches will be assigned to you. Please keep in mind that you won't be able to select a specific coach. This approach ensures that our coaches' available time is used optimally to provide the best possible service to all our customers. The health coach assigned to you will be with you throughout the entire process to guide you toward achieving your health goals.
Session 1:

Analysis of your current Lifestyle
Assessment of your current Health Status
Determination of your Total Energy Intake and Energy Consumption
Identification of your nutrition and workout preferences
Definition of your health goals and timeline
Session 2:

Insights about secrets of sustainable fat loss and natural health
Training and tips on natural nutrition
Training and tips on the execution of fitness exercises
Tips on how to track your nutrition and workout progress
Session 3:

Presentation and discussion of your meal plan
Presentation and discussion of your workout plan
Definition of rules during your health transformation

Anyone who has already undergone a change in their lifestyle or diet knows how difficult it can be to sustain the change in the long term. Motivation and discipline can quickly let you down, especially at the beginning and in the first weeks and months. Many people then return to their old eating habits and patterns. The successes achieved in the first few weeks quickly disappear - frustration and disappointment arise.
How helpful would it be to have an experienced partner who constantly motivates you, mentors and coaches you on natural nutrition and workout exercises, and helps you achieve your personal health goals? A partner who monitors your health transformation and your goal achievement progress. Who reviews your nutrition and training plan, and adjusts it if necessary, and mentors you in the correct execution of training exercises.
That's exactly what we offer you with our Health Coach Subscription model. You pay a monthly fee and get your personal health coach to accompany you throughout your health transformation journey.

Continuous coaching, and motivation via weekly Zoom calls to achieve your personal health goals

Tracking of your health transformation and goal achievement progress

Review your nutrition and workout program and adjust if required

Mentoring in the execution of workout exercises

Discussion of any open issues, room for Q&A related to natural food and workout routines

HbN-3: HbN Coaching Information Session
If you want to learn more about our health coaching offers or are unsure whether a personal health coach is right for you, let us advise you in a free information session via a Zoom call. In this call, we will answer your questions and give you a better idea of ​​our health coaching content and process.